You really gotta be your own "Yes." To me, this is a face of Possibility. A giant Yes.
I was about 4 years old here. A completely open face to go with the heart, and a spirit of adventure too. The joy is palpable, right? So why does the fight to keep that joy, the same faith in Possibility grow more difficult with time? Lots of different reasons from a million little moments that start adding up, hardening to create its own coat of armor.
I get so used to steeling myself with dogged confidence just so I can keep showing up, even when all of that confidence is just thrown into the void, even when anything from unimpressed to flat out rejection comes from the other side. When acceptance or even accolades do come, it's almost confusing to me because I have trained myself to expect so little from others.
What's concerning is my great relief in these more affirmative moments. There's a validation, the thought that "No, in fact I'm not crazy..." I am, in fact, right to be confident in myself through this madness. This feeling of relief says to me that there are still serious doubts in my heart of hearts. Like a shoreline, it's so difficult to stop erosion against a constant tide.
Somehow, you have to be your own "Yes." What does that look like for you? No matter your endeavor, I'd love to hear your comments below.