Math Club and Other Amazing Feats

**Names have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals. And the author from possible shade.** ~ In Seventh grade, I started having trouble in math class. Honestly, I was never a big fan of math class even in elementary and middle school, but I still understood the lessons and earned decent grades. From Seventh grade through Twelfth grade in my public school system, classes were divided into three levels: Honors, Level A, and Level B. I was placed in Honors level classes across the board, but about a month into the term, I took a complete nose-dive in my Honors Math class. I could not keep up with the material, and having never experienced this before so profoundly, I felt completely lost. I found my teacher, Mrs. White, to be intimidating. When I approached her with concerns, she seemed to brush them off or go through the material very quickly, not really taking the time to break down the concepts for me. During tests, she would often remind us of the limited time we had ...