
Showing posts from 2013


On a long weekend this past fall, we took advantage of some of the bah-squillion cultural activities NYC has to offer. That Sunday we went out to JFK airport as this program, Open House New York, had opened the Saarinen TWA terminal for visitors. Investors will make the current terminal into the central lobby of a hotel, including a small museum and have a couple outer buildings for the actual accommodations. The site is protected by the National Register of Historic Places so developers can restore and preserve, but not demolish. Thank God... I had seen pictures of how beautiful the modernistic design of the terminal was, but didn’t expect the experience of exploring the space to be so moving. There were supporting statements from the architect, Eero Saarinen and others involved in building and protecting the terminal on some displays throughout the space. “We wanted passengers passing through the building to experience a fully-designed environment in which each part arise...