
Last year’s Oscar win for Best Foreign Film was a Michael Haneke feature produced in France titled “Amour.” It was a beautiful and difficult film to experience. One scene in particular I keep turning over in my mind. Emmanuelle Riva plays Anne, a retired piano teacher living with her husband Georges (Jean-Louis Trintignant) in their beautiful apartment in Paris. She silently suffers a stroke which results in multiple medical setbacks including eventual dementia, all within a very short period of time. After their initial discovery of her condition before Anne undergoes surgery for a blocked carotid, the couple are seen contemplating the possible outcomes of overcoming this new obstacle, Anne looking anxious and pensive. She sits at the farm table in their kitchen with a large scrap book on her lap. She slowly turns each page poring over pictures of herself as a child and old newspaper clippings. Georges asks her what she’s thinking and her response is a kind, but overwhelmed, “No,...