This October--1/2 Day Online Mindfulness Retreat!

I am excited to announce a very special program I am co-leading this October with Laurie Rosenberg and Carrie-Ann Tkaczyk: This online, 1/2 Day retreat will be offered Saturday, October 7th 2023, from 11:30am to 4:30pm EDT. Sessions include Tuning In, Heart Openers, Fostering Connection in Our Hyper-Digital World, and Everyday Mindfulness, with lots of opportunity to reflect and share in community. There will be ample breaks for balance, and loads of mindfulness engagements for you to try on and take with you, to immediately integrate into your journey. Click the image above (or link below) for more info and to register, and please share this with any friends/family/contacts that may be interested in learning more about mindfulness. I hope to see you there! For more info. and to register, click HERE!